Hope To The Hopeless

It takes a lot of courage to hope for something, and it's not easy to step out in faith. Takes a lot of trust in the source of what you hope for, especially when you were initially apprehensive about it.

Then when you finally thought that you could put yourself out, but it seems that the source might have decided to withdraw that hope, things began to fall apart. Now you would probably be in a worse state than before you even started hoping.

But all these are just speculation. The end has yet to come. Patience.

Some people choose not to hope at all, much less develop any tinge of expectation. They'll probably agree that, "No dependency, no expectation; no expectation, no pain." It's easier this way, isn't it?

I shall not succumb to a position of hopelessness. For God is my hope and my salvation. One who is faithful and true. That my life is in His hands - that in itself is an everlasting hope.


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