How Has Your Year Been?

So in my last post at boxing day 2016 I published a post full of prayer for 2017.

In the gist of it, these are what I asked for:
  • Courage and Tenacity
  • Never cease to be amazed by God
  • Be constantly obsessed by who God really is
  • Have ZERO resistance to the Holy Spirit
  • Grow in total dependency the Holy Spirit
  • Allow God to remind me that I am His completely
  • Guard my heart against anything that wants to take His rightful place
  • Never have a false humility and keep saying that my heart is not worthy because it is God’s prized reward that Jesus shed His precious blood for

Know that my heart is the one thing that God treasures above all I have - above my gifts, desired above my sacrifice.

Help me to guard my heart and keep it pure for You, Jesus!


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