Flipping Over A New Page
This week I had the liberty of not attending any of the auditions. I was assured by the new caretaker to autopilot. I trust he knew what he was doing because I am certainly enjoying my free time at night.
From Monday to Wednesday, I drove out of campus when the sky is still blue and only slightly dimmed. I had dinner with Gerold and even had time to drive back to campus on Wednesday to show him around and chill at McD.
This week saw many people with new path. Gerold started his 2 months at CSCC internship programme, Xu Li started his one-month programme at Proskeuno Institute, and I'm diving into a new division in a few hours. It's the official date. Also I'm starting a new phase of realisation of what it would be like to not stay alone, perhaps consider the possibility of renting out or making my house a comfortable place for guests, a place of solitude and refuge.
And I changed my quilt cover, pillow cases and bedsheets, got my house cleaned, clothes ironed...
Life gets a NEW start!