
Showing posts from 2015

Having A Pastoral Heart

This afternoon I found a need and an opportunity to talk to one of the Church pastors about an issue that has been bothering me recently. On how to treat people with a pastoral heart without compromising excellence in service towards God. An affirmation I received was the need to set a standard for the ministry so that we serve not out of convenience but that we be prepared to have some sacrifices and to be inconvenienced. That we can equally make excuses not to do something as much as we can make excuses so we can do something. It reminded me again of the scripture that where your treasure is, there you heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21) Perhaps some people do not understand what is expected of them. So there's a need to communicate it clearly, ask God for wisdom and I think also to ask God to increase my heart so I have greater capacity to love while having the responsibility to be firm. Pastor also alerted me to discuss this with WD so that whatever standard that I need to impos...

One Can Never Hate Sin Too Much

A new found meaning to hate sin is getting me to another level. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God FORNICATION : voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other. This means if I were to watch any show that makes sex outside marriage a beautiful and romantic one, which is rampant in most movies and drama nowadays, then it's gonna desensitise me from feeling it's not ok! And we know how when we are desensitised to something, it becomes permissible and eventually even desirable when the urges come. There is then less of a desire to stay clear and we are deceived into feeling, "Oh, God will understand. And I'm better off than 75% of the world." Such sel...

A New Season In Transit

It's been 45 days into my new job scope after 18 years (minus 2 in between) of the same. New playground, new skills to acquire, and new boss and team mates to manage. Just like Cornerstone is celebrating its 20th, TP its 25th and Singapore her 50th, I feel that my change is another milestone crossed. I thought I would not be able to. I'm surprised that the transition has been rather smooth, with lots of support from trusted colleagues which I'm really thankful to God for. Recently I learnt and became aware of the need to contend for things that seemed ok not to have, in particularly marriage. There's the idea of being contented with Jesus being my Husbandman, the only One I need to please. A friend explained that if God had intended for me to be a celibate, He would have told me earlier and with that gift there wouldn't be a desire to look out for a relationship, which I am still. In my own thought, He wouldn't have wait till I am at a stage and age where I wo...

Deep Admiration

Stationed at the alumni booth this whole week, I saw thousands of fresh graduates attending the 14 sessions of ceremony that marked a new life's chapter. But when I saw the cohort of part-time diploma students streaming out in their graduation gowns with their family, I can't help feeling a deep sense of admiration for their achievements. Behind them stood their parents and many, their spouse and children, which also signified their juggles to fulfil family responsibilities, work and school. They are such an inspiration! See the many happy faces at #tpalumni #temasekpolyalumni #perseverance #fruitoflabour #labouroflove #livelifetothefullest #deepadmiration #speechless

Flipping Over A New Page

My 18th year in the same position, though a progressive and evolving one, has finally come to an end. By the grace of God, He has sustained me. And with His peace, I am now being led to lie down in green pasture. This week I had the liberty of not attending any of the auditions. I was assured by the new caretaker to autopilot. I trust he knew what he was doing because I am certainly enjoying my free time at night. From Monday to Wednesday, I drove out of campus when the sky is still blue and only slightly dimmed. I had dinner with Gerold and even had time to drive back to campus on Wednesday to show him around and chill at McD. This week saw many people with new path. Gerold started his 2 months at CSCC internship programme, Xu Li started his one-month programme at Proskeuno Institute, and I'm diving into a new division in a few hours. It's the official date. Also I'm starting a new phase of realisation of what it would be like to not stay alone, perhaps consider the possib...


I'm actually quite affected when you say I'm full of excuses that I can't go for the walk. I hate to disappoint you but it's no point explaining further because you're probably not taking it too hard. Just messing with me like a joke. Maybe I shouldn't be affected at all. It's too heavy an emotion for the kind of relationship I should hope to keep between us.