Having A Pastoral Heart

This afternoon I found a need and an opportunity to talk to one of the Church pastors about an issue that has been bothering me recently. On how to treat people with a pastoral heart without compromising excellence in service towards God. An affirmation I received was the need to set a standard for the ministry so that we serve not out of convenience but that we be prepared to have some sacrifices and to be inconvenienced. That we can equally make excuses not to do something as much as we can make excuses so we can do something. It reminded me again of the scripture that where your treasure is, there you heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21) Perhaps some people do not understand what is expected of them. So there's a need to communicate it clearly, ask God for wisdom and I think also to ask God to increase my heart so I have greater capacity to love while having the responsibility to be firm. Pastor also alerted me to discuss this with WD so that whatever standard that I need to impos...