Role As A Student Developer

This morning at breakfast, Alex reminded me of my role as a Student Development Officer. Above developing students through the arts, the core value should still be to care about the wellness of the students. I feel I have fallen a little in that aspect because I was more concern on the injustice of a JPSAE student not fulfilling her part of the deal in attending training than to be more concern on how she is doing in school. My first instinct was that she was being irresponsible for being absent without informing the committee or myself. There are many valid reasons on my part to nail her (and even her mother) down when what I should first consider is see how I can help her as a person. Why do I feel so offended and took things so personally that this is beyond breaching of “contract”, but betraying my trust? Is it really not a good thing to take it personally rather than detached? Are these 2, taking things personally versus being detached, on the opposite sides of the continuum? Perhaps I have forgotten to let love be the basis of my thoughts, words and deeds, and messed up this core essential value in trying to protect myself from getting hurt and to justify myself.


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