Just Stop!

Stop murmuring for one. God actually doesn't like it. Complaining is mostly about self-seeking. Self-seeking is pride and we know very well that God hates it and is the total opposite of it. And should I still be self-seeking at this point, it would be an appropriate reminder to myself that PRIDE COMES BEFORE DESTRUCTION. Nothing can be clearer.

Stop holding on to what should and would never happen and let go of those fantasies that encourage me to conduct myself inappropriately or excessively.

Stop trying to please men or seek their approval on my life. Would it be too proud to say that I don't need theirs? Maybe I'll just focus on pleasing God.

I think just 3 for the moment would be a challenge to handle. I'll put a reminder to check out this post to review my new year resolutions. Perhaps having Don'ts is easier than Do's.


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