No Regrets When God Steps In

Bob and Kathy Fitts with this morning's worship team

Jason Tay, Kathy Fitts, Bob Fitts and me

Singing on the same stage with Bob Fitts in Church this morning was not just about a dream coming true. It was not about meeting my 'hero' or 'idol', though it was indeed an honour and privilege to lead our congregation with him.

But really, it was more of a gratefulness of God's amazing love for me because He remembered. He didn't forget that dream which was laid down at his feet many years ago, when I had felt forgotten then, 'stranded' down under in Perth, away from the people and ministry I love. I felt then that whatever opportunity on any big stage was taken from me and I had to do something I hate instead - studying (haha, sorry mom).

The God whom I have personally experienced to be a faithful Comforter helped me through that period of tough time by gently reminding me of the right perspective and attitude towards serving in the worship ministry where He has planted me in. My Abba Father gave me strength to accept His discipline and my heart was put at the right place. You can say that He helped me pass the test. It was a precious lesson learnt. Treasures in my darkness.

So the could have's and should have's and the what might have been's were placed at the altar and burnt as a sacrifice of joy in exchange for grief and hopelessness. I believe He kept the bottle of tears collected at His feet during that trying period.

As I pen down these thoughts, my heart is again overwhelmed by a renewed confidence that God accepted that sacrifice. Truly, He meant it to the letter that He does not despise those who come before Him with a broken spirit and a contrite heart.

Today I celebrate that I am entrusted with this opportunity to sing with this legendary Worship Leader without losing my focus on the one I was created to worship. A state of my heart that probably wouldn't have stood firm if the same opportunity was not take away from me 15 years ago.

Jesus is the reason that I sing, the reason that I would ever want to stand on any stage, big or small.

Thanks, Abba. You made me feel so much of Your love today. May I be more aware of Your unfailing love every moment of every day till The Day, where I will behold the full glory of Your goodness.


Anonymous said…
Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.

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