Walking On Air...And Sonshine

Three more weeks on my aircast - the foot gear that's been allowing me to walk with my current fracture. Quite an amazing invention. Nevertheless, if the X-Ray shows insufficient recovery on 9 Sep, I'd most probably have to go for surgery to secure the affected area with a piece of metal...

Pray for healing...

So I finally got to spend some chill time with my niece, Joanna. We met at Starbucks at Marina Square (near the cinema), went walking (slowly) around the mall, watched a movie - "Step Up 3", and supped at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe. We both got home before 1am just now :P

Note to self: next time must send her home...especially when her phone batt is flat. Prayed really fervently on my way home. Got a bit worried :( Thank God she got home safely...

Just had the house valuated in the afternoon. Hopefully, the rest of the process in buying over my parents' flat would go smoothly. Actually the more troublesome part is the renovation. Lots of packing, discarding and probably need to move out during that period... Jia You!!!



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