Face-Slamming Grace

I'm peeling on my nose. All thanks to Orientation Finale on Friday, I was out in the sun from early afternoon to evening, from the stadium tracks to Bedok Reservoir, from telematch to dragon-boating. Of course I'm not alone. But this year it's my first to be so 'exposed' due to a change in job scope.

I think I nearly had a heat stroke. Felt really nausea somewhere in the middle of the telematch. Thought I would not be able to 'dong' until the end of the the dragon boating segment, but felt better after sitting in the shade at the reservoir. One of my colleagues actually puked when we were packing up at the end. Poor thing. It could have been me, too. Next year we should get caps for all the officials.

Well, it's over. Again I felt quite proud that the whole team pulled through the whole project together. Some had sleepless nights, quite a few stayed till real late on some days, even coming back to the office over weekends. Well, we all had our share of OT, Jasmine! I'm so glad she's temping with us now, haha!

And again...the amazing weather. The rain came before and after the event and I was literally awed from the inside. Thank you, my Creator God. You're a prayer-answering Abba Father! So gracious! Happy is (s)he, whose God is the LORD! Yay!

The weekend, needless to say, was 'to die for'. It was quite an early start at Church for a songwriting workshop with Alarice. I surprised myself that I wrote an almost complete song at the end. Woohoo! And to know that I nearly missed it cos it was so difficult to get out of bed yesterday. Whole body was like aching.

Anyway, it was rehearsal right after that for 5pm's Saturday Service. This week's duty was different from the others. The team was only doing Saturday. Sunday's services were covered by the Vine Band from Hong Kong. But after Saturday Service the band came to set up and took us for a session on band dynamics.

A few of us brought the band to Old Airport Road Hawkers' Centre and treated them to some typical local delights. Too bad David and Pam was already packing up. We were there slightly after 10pm but apparently, due to the first day of the opening of Circle Line, most stalls, like my brother's, have closed because everything is sold out. But we still managed to get supper there nevertheless, just that they were not the best, if you know what I mean. The fellowship was good though.

Thanks to Vine Band leading worship this morning, I didn't have to be in Church at 7am. Went for 2nd service. The worship was awesome. A couple of songs were from their new album but they had the melodic hook (a term I learnt from Alarice yesterday) and so they were real easy to flow into. There was such a presence of God. I felt so loved.

Relentless Grace
By The Vine Band

You are God
Yet You love me with a Father's love
And I stand amazed
You are God
Yet it's me You chase
With relentless grace
And I stand in awe

You are my God
My heart's response is
A life devoted to worship
You are my God
I can't contain it
This praise escaping my lips

With relentless grace
With relentless grace
God, it's me You chase
With relentless grace

Oh, this praise in my heart
Is escaping from my lips

With relentless praise
With relentless praise
I will worship You
With relentless praise

When I heard this song, I couldn't help but thought about what I wrote in my last post. I was grieving over someone whom I thought was relentlessly ungracious. In contrast, on the other extreme, was my God who is relentless gracious. It just filled my heart with hope. Really, such hope, and such joy. Made me want to love Jesus even more. Then I will have more love and strength to love even the unlovable.

Had a good time with the boys during Prison Ministry, too. I'm so glad I could make it this week cos I was not well the last time (2 Sunday's ago) I was supposed to go. Was told to lead the group with a few songs. Thank God I found some song sheets at home that I could use. My softcopies were all in the thumb drive that died on me. Couldn't salvage anything from it so I was glad in my stack of reusable papers was a full set of the extra prints. It was not a coincident that the sermon today was about the God who provides.

Hallowed be Thy name, our heavenly Father. Hallowed be Thy name.


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