Like binary code, this first day of the year. When near the end, a look-back makes one feel that 'time flies'. Yet, looking ahead, any apprehension tends to cause a dreadful outlook of a long year ahead. It's a matter of perspective. Change it or continue to dread...the choice is yours.

Food for thought: "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24)

Have been feeling kinda down lately. So I'm looking forward to the 'Market Place' meeting for teachers and people working in the educational institutes tomorrow morning, hoping to revive the purpose in what I do, day in, day out. You know, get the big picture and find greater meaning in the ground level work.

Slept in this morning. Would have lazed around in bed if not for a lunch call. My brother's pasta was a good start for the day. After that was Sakae sushi at Parkway, Carls Jr at East Coast and a short hop to Starbucks next door.

Oh, I managed to change Touch's screen protector this afternoon. Like, finally! And for $8 only. Though a bit sad that there seems to be no anti-glare ones in the market for the 1st generation so I had to settle for the normal one. Oh well...

I love my friends. I love chilling out at quiet places. Cynthia still "enjoys a good laugh, and treasures moments of connection."


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