Turkey-ish Delights

Christmas season is usually a time for gatherings. And with all the "fei-lou-ship" comes feasting, inevitably. Can you imagine a get-together without food? In Singapore, it's actually quite hard to imagine. Let's count the feasts...

19 Dec - Band Christmas Lunch Buffet @ Downtown East Sakura
24 Dec - Office Christmas Lunch
24 Dec - Family Christmas Dinner @ Peck Hong's (a.k.a. 大姐's house)
26 Dec - Worship Ministry Team Leaders' Meeting cum Christmas Lunch at Caleb's
26 Dec - Cell Group Dinner at (the other) Caleb's

Was supposed to go for another Dim Sum buffet this afternoon at Tung Lok but I pulled out the night before for obvious reasons. Yesterday, at both Caleb's, we had turkey...on the same day eh. Wa lau... cannot make it (referring to myself, not the turkey).

And I realised... I got quite a lot of presents this year wor! :P I've caused so many people to be blessed (it's more blessed to give than receive mah, hee hee...).


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