Wanted: Rest Time

Woah...has it really been that long? Half a month since my last entries. Well, there had been a couple of attempts to write something for Christmas and the new year, but they were... attempts.

I remember sleeping a lot during on Christmas Eve cos the night before I wrapped presents till 5 in the morning... Well, I started late. Found it to be quite therapeutic to wrap presents. Maybe cos you get to really focus on something else other than what you normally do. And it's like you think of the person you want to give those nice things to while you wrap and visualize their reaction. It makes me happy just thinking about it :P

I stayed overnight at Mui's after singing carols at her Church friend's house. They are also neighbours within the same condo. Like I said, I slept a lot which I did when I was at her place after the office Christmas potluck. When I woke up, it was time for dinner at her neighbour-friends'. They are not strangers to me since I knew them when I used to attend the same Church - Katong Presbyterian Church, that is. Anyway, they were skyping our friend who's doing missions in China so we sang her a few Christmas songs. So cool. And we even sang a couple of hokkien songs and a Chinese song.

So Christmas was spent with the family at Mui's. I woke up almost in the afternoon, watched a DVD with Keith while we waited for the rest to come. One of my brother-in-law, Richard, bought a roasted suckling pig. I heard it was $138! Wah...can buy like 3 turkeys eh. But it was really delicious. Since everybody came at different time, it was not much of a sit-down dinner. There was mahjong in the hall, snacking at the dinner table, and what not. By the time it was time to open presents, it was almost 10pm. The whole family sang several Christmas songs and it was such a wonderful sight. Not all of us are Christians, but the fact that everyone joined in to sing, whether they understood the true meaning of Christmas, gives hope towards having a fully-answered prayer of "the whole household will be saved".

I bought the 5 teenage (I was going to say mutant ninja turtles) nephews and nieces a blank jigsaw puzzle each for them to draw on as a game. So they did, some with help from their parents who couldn't control themselves from 'interfering'. Then they drew lots to pick each other's jigsaw, poured out the pieces from the back board, and put them together again. It was a simple activity, but quite fulfilling to see them 'play' with the presents together.

Mom had quite a major operation on her backbone at TTSH on the morning before New Year's Eve. Thank God it was successful and she just got back to Peck's the day before. And, so drama, my sister was also admitted on New Year's Day for observation cos she fainted at home the night before. Her ward was just one floor below mom's. It was actually quite funny how we all tried to hide from our mom when we took turns to visit them at different wards. Of course the fun was possible knowing it was nothing serious. A weird start to the new year.

Oh I had a go at prawning at this Pasir Ris farm on our department gathering. It was on 2 Jan but don't know why the organisers insisted on it being the 'year end" gathering. It was a treat by the big boss but some of us contributed some stuff here and there. Well, I didn't catch any, haha... But it was fun even just watching the rest caught theirs. It was a competition to see which division caught the most prawns in 2.5 hours. The prawns were big and with hard shells. Took some effort to peel them hot from the grill.

The following night was TP Staff Association Dinner & Dance at Changi Village Hotel. It was more enjoyable than I expected. Was volunteered by my table twice during the games segment when the emcee called for someone with a powerful voice and someone who could sing. Thanks for the affirmation, guys. Well at least I got a prize from the participation cos I didn't get any from the lucky draw. Oh, and it was my first time having car valet-parked. Made me feel important, ahaha...cheap thrill!

This week's busy, busy, busy. Not getting any early knock-off due to the 3 days of rehearsals for Open House performances, and followed by Worship Ministry meeting on Thu, TP Alumni Nite on Fri at Fort Canning. Not forgetting the actual Open House from 8-10 Jan in the day and Jam & Hop on the night of the last day that's gonna zap off all my energy. Next week's not any better. There's a full week of Joint Admission Exercise to talk to CCA talents at our booth and another week of sifting through auditions and interviews.

Wah...grace...I need grace, God!!!


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