Blissfully Busy

So busy that I have been blogging less often.

Just had a Family/Band Chalet at Aranda Country Club from 30 Mar to 1 Apr. The unit we got was renovated so it was really nice and new. Nevermind that it was on the 3rd floor. I didn't have to climb much anyway.

The family was there on Sunday to check in. Mom cooked some sort of beef stew, chicken rice, almond jelly, mock shark's fin soup, a bit of this and that. Everyone was there except brother's family cos business as usual on Sundays. As the main stream schools were starting the following day, they all went home before 10.30pm and I was by myself for a while until a few of the band kids came. Not much of the serenity was lost because I still had a room to myself with a king-sized bed. Hmmm...I should seriously consider getting a queen-sized bed for my room at home. It might cure my nights of 'insomnia'. It might even be worth the loss of floor space.

Anyway, my already short leave was further reduced to finish up some paper work for urgent submission so I tried to beat my heavy eyelids to do as much as I could. Funny how work can be an instant cure to the sleeplessness I thought I had been suffering from. Anyway, managed to sleep a little and continued the next day till around 2.30pm before I drove a few of them to pick up some BBQ food from Frankel Ave and back. It was quite a difficult drive because those at the back seat kept playing with my stuffed toy (piggy and doggy) and making up ridiculous gross stories out of it.

So I went back to the office for the submission before 6pm. Did a bit more work and then it was back to the chalet for a night of smoke-filled fun. Quite a few came.

Next time must find a way to tighten invite list and be more specific cos I was wondering how some people ended up appearing. But let's be more gracious. The source for what was spent on the food was a bit blurred anyway. I just hope that the well-deserved ones have fun despite the noise through the night.

I think it was quite a successful event, in view that it was more of a 'relac-one-corner' kind of chalet, free and easy. Thank God for the good weather so we managed to BBQ the whole night. Really, if it wasn't for the neighbour's generous contribution of lamb chops, chipolatas, one whole fish!, watermelon etc, we would have cleaned up our portion.

A blissful 2 weeks it has been for me *grin*, despite the very busy schedule at the office with a 2-night concert to run, upcoming leaders' camp and freshmen orientation finale. Then it's CCA Recruitment Drive and the whole cycle of events when school starts again. But at the same time, quite a bit of changes happening from within and without which, hopefully, would make things less mundane. But no doubt, it's not going to be stress-free. Just hope that I'd be able to deal with it well to make all the stresses worth the bearing.


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