Smokies And Creepy Red Ants

Late for work today cos I was squeezing red ants crawling around my car with pieces of tissues. It all started yesterday morning when I was dashing out to my car which was parked underneath a tree, It was drizzling. On the way I felt 2 blobs of water on my head and I think they must have brought down the red ants from the trees.

To keep the long story short, I killed 5 red ants that I found crawling on me as I was driving to school. Dangerous, man! Considering my mid level of phobia with red ants from childhood experience. When I got to my office, found 2 more!! Eeeek!!! So when I noticed a few more on my car this morning, I was determined to face my fear and exterminate them before they have a chance to creep on me. Thinking of it again makes my hair stand.

Cell meeting tonight was a bit different. Watched a DVD about Heidi Baker's ministry at Mozambique. After that we wrap bao-bing for supper. It was really yummy fun.

Nowadays I keep smelling smoke when I'm in my room, even right now as I'm typing this entry. I think there's someone smoking near the stairs. Sometimes when I come home or go out, I would find this same guy sitting on the stairway. Then yesterday at MacD also. Keep smelling cigaratte smoke when I was sitting inside. Don't know where it came from. So irritating.

I'm not targetting at all smokers cos I have nothing against them personally. But there are just these few inconsiderate ones who:
1. smoke at bus stops;
2. smoke as they walk down the stairs - think of those walking behind, smelling the trail of smoke;
3. smoke in the lift - think of the next user smelling the smoke trapped inside;
4. get into the lift with litted cigarette - probably think that as long as they're not puffing it that it's ok? about if somebody fart in the lift with you in it?
5. fling their still-litted cigarette butt after smoking - it's littering, mind you, and potentially hazardous;
6. dispose of their cigarette butt (esp at bus-stops) without ensuring that it's been completely put out;
7. smoke in public toilet - think of the next user!
8. smoke with babies around (sometimes their own)

For those #2-4, can't they wait?


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